Apprenticeship Tuition Refund

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Employees heading back to school? We can help.

If your employees are part of an Hour Bank, they may be eligible for tuition reimbursement after completing their apprenticeship and returning to work for a Member company in applicable provinces. We make it easy—refunds can go directly to the Member employee or to you, the Member employer, if you covered their tuition.

Download Tuition Claim Form


  • The Tuition Refund Program reimburses tuition fees for field employees (Members of Hour Bank Benefit Plan) of OpenCircle Member companies

  • Applicants must successfully complete the apprenticeship training period at a publicly funded training facility

  • Applicants must return to work full-time for an OpenCircle Member company and work a minimum of 150 hours (approximately one month)

  • Employees who begin training immediately upon hire will be reimbursed after completion of the training period and once they have worked a minimum of 300 hours (approximately two months)

  • Employees who choose to work through school training will be reimbursed, if required hours have been achieved upon completion of the course

  • An employee leaving an OpenCircle Member company will be eligible for a tuition refund if they find work with another OpenCircle Member company and meet all other criteria within six months of course completion

  • Membership firms that pay for an employee may also be reimbursed

  • Weekly tuition fee is multiplied by the number of technical training weeks to equal the amount of OpenCircle’s tuition refund. The program applies to each period of technical training.

  • OpenCircle’s tuition refund must be included in your annual tax return as taxable income

  • A T4A will be mailed to you to support the amount of the refund received

Provincial Guidelines

Each province has different requirements for tuition refunds. Please ensure you submit the appropriate documents on time according to your province’s guidelines.

Within six months from the date on the employee’s Proof of Completion letter from the Apprenticeship and Industry Training stating they have completed apprenticeship training, submit the following:

  • Complete Tuition Refund Claim Form
  • A copy of the Proof of Completion form and Industry Training Letter including a copy of their marks

Within six months from the date on the employee’s Proof of Completion from Skilled Trades BC stating they have completed apprenticeship training, submit the following:

  • Complete Tuition Refund Claim Form
  • A copy of the Proof of Completion from Skilled Trades BC including a copy of their marks
  • Detailed proof of payment indicating the tuition paid for the course

Within six months from the date on the employee’s Proof of Completion from the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission stating they have completed apprenticeship training, submit the following:

  • Complete Tuition Refund Claim Form
  • A copy of the Proof of Completion from the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission including a copy of their marks

Within six months from the date on the employee’s Proof of Completion from Economic Development, Investment, Trade and Natural Resources stating they have completed apprenticeship training, submit the following:

  • Complete Tuition Refund Claim Form
  • A copy of the Proof of Completion from Economic Development, Investment, Trade and Natural Resources, including copy of their marks

Within six months from the date on the employee’s Confirmation of Progress from the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development, Program Delivery Support Branch stating they have completed apprenticeship training, submit the following:

  • Complete Tuition Refund Claim Form
  • A copy of the Confirmation of Progress from the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development, Program Delivery Support Branch including their marks
  • Detailed proof of payment indicating the tuition paid for the course

OpenCircle does not provide tuition refunds for apprentices who work in and complete schooling in Nova Scotia. Costs for trades tuition fees are covered by the government of Nova Scotia.